Billions of honeybees are dying worldwide, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United Nations. Most scientists agree the causes of honeybee colony losses are parasites, pesticides, disease, malnutrition, stress, pollution and climate change. Within the past few months, beekeepers, worldwide, especially in California, report increases in varroa mite infestations. These life-force-sucking parasites account for 40 percent of colony decimations, according to USDA.
In the wake of U.S. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, billions of more honeybees drowned in Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico and Texas. This will amount to a significant impact on crop pollination, honey production and profits.
In the midst of this global epidemic; Heathy Bees, LLC is unveiling BeesVita (Veeta) Plus (BeesVitaPlus.com) – a first-of-its-kind, all-natural, scientific breakthrough nutritional supplement that bolsters resistance to pesticides and disease and suppresses deadly parasite infestations, according to field trials and lab tests conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the University of Maryland’s Bee Informed Partnership and in Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Turkey, and by beekeepers in California, Florida, Pennsylvania and around the world. This is the world’s largest field trials of a honeybee product.
According to field trial researchers, BeesVita Plus was 45 percent more effective in controlling varroa mite-infested colonies compared to colonies treated with traditional formic-acid strips.
Furthermore, USDA reports that groups of bees fed BeesVita Plus that were exposed to the insecticide paraquat tolerated and detoxified the deadly chemical better than bees fed sugar-water solution. This is what most beekeepers feed their hives as a substitute for natural nectar and pollen.
USDA also concluded the supplement contains 38 times more anti-oxidants than other bee feeds, thereby improving honeybee health and tolerance to pesticides and diseases.
Research results were announced at the 75th annual American Beekeeping Federation conference in Reno, Nevada.
Miami Beach, Fla / College Park, Md. / Chico, Calif. / Reno, Nev./ Ankara, Turkey -- January 17, 2017 – In the midst of a global epidemic of honeybee colony loss; Heathy Bees, LLC is unveiling BeesVita (Veeta) Plus (BeesVitaPlus.com) – a first-of-its-kind, all-natural, scientific breakthrough nutritional supplement that bolsters resistance to pesticides and disease and suppresses deadly parasite infestations, according to field trials and lab tests conducted by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the University of Maryland’s Bee Informed Partnership and in Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Turkey, and by beekeepers in California, Florida, Pennsylvania and around the world.
Unveiling (VO: Product & Conference Shots)
The unveiling of BeesVita Plus and the research results were announced at the 75th annual American Beekeeping Federation conference in Reno, Nevada.
CEO: World’s Largest Honeybee Field Trials (SOT)
“BeesVita Plus is conducting the largest field trials on honeybees. We are doing this in five different countries; to show the efficacy of how we control the varroa mite -- the deadly parasite that is killing the honeybees throughout the world. The results have been astounding,” says Lee Rosen, Chairman & CEO, Healthy Bees, LLC, Miami Beach, Florida. “We clearly show how we control the varroa mites, while we simultaneously feed the honeybees and strengthen their immune systems.” He pledges, “We are going to save the honeybee.”
Colony Loss Epidemic (VO: Living Bees/Dead Bees/Beekeepers)
Billions of honeybees are dying worldwide, according to the USDA and the United Nations. Most scientists agree the suspected causes of alarming honeybee colony losses are parasites, pesticides, disease, malnutrition, stress, pollution and climate change. Within the past few months, beekeepers, worldwide, report increases in varroa mite infestations. Varroa mite attacks account for more than 40 percent of colony decimations, according to USDA.
Compounding the problem, in the wake of U.S. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, billions of honeybees drowned in Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico and Texas. All of this amounts to a significant impact on crop pollination, honey production, and profits.
University of Maryland / Bee Informed Partnership Varroa Mite Field Trials (SOT)
According to Rosen, field trials conducted in California by the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) concluded that BeesVita Plus is significantly more effective; as much as 45 percent, at controlling varroa mites than commonly-used formic acid strips.
Dennis van Engelsdorp, Ph.D, a University of Maryland assistant professor of entomology and BIP president, is the lead investigator of the varroa mite field trials. BIP is a consortium of America’s top university honeybee scientists.
“We did a trial with a product (BeesVita Plus) and it showed promise as a varroa mite-controlled product. In fact, it reduced mites by a measurable level and that’s very exciting. I have to admit I was surprised because I’ve tested a lot of these other promising products and not seen those results,” explains van Engelsdorp.
In many countries, varroa mites, which latch onto to the bodies of and suck the life-force out of newborn bees and spread viruses, are responsible for upward of 40 percent of decimated colonies, according to USDA.
USDA Tests
In lab tests conducted by USDA Honeybee Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, a group of bees fed BeesVita Plus that were exposed to the insecticide paraquat tolerated and detoxified the deadly chemical better than bees fed sugar-water solution. This is what most beekeepers feed their hives, especially during winter when there is a lack of natural nectar and pollen-plants.
USDA also concluded that BeesVita Plus is a potent formulation that contains 38 times more anti-oxidants than other bee feeds. Therefore it improves honeybee health and tolerance to certain pesticides and diseases.
Jackson, Miss. USDA Test Review: American Academy of Entomological Sciences (SOT)
“These are impressive results,” says Jeffrey Brown, Ph.D, Director General of the American Academy of Entomological Sciences, Jackson, Mississippi. He has started working with beekeepers to improve honeybee health at off-campus hives near Mississippi State University.
After reviewing the USDA reports, Brown concludes,“BeesVita Plus can bolster the immune system of the honeybees that allows them to resist disease, environmental elements and possibly pesticides, which may all contribute to colony loss.”
Critical Pollinator (VO: Bee Pollination / Agriculture Textures)
Honeybees are critical to pollinating an array of crops from almonds to zucchini. Colony loss syndrome is responsible for agriculture deficits of $200 billion worldwide, according to the United Nations. In America, honeybees pollinate $20 billion of crops annually, according to the USDA.
Essential to Food Supply (SOT)
“Honeybees are responsible for one-third of the world’s food supply. If the honeybees die; we die,” stresses Rosen.
California Beekeeper (VO & SOT: Kamron Koehnen)
Kamron Koehnen is a California Sacramento River Valley fourth generation master beekeeper and almond and walnut tree grower. During the past few months, like other beekeepers, his hives suffered substantial varroa mite infestations. He was recruited for the BIP – BeesVita Plus field trials and for the company’s nutritional supplement tests.
“I’ve donated my hives to the tests and we’re really excited about the results that we’re seeing,” says Koehnen, whose hives are scattered across 13,000 acres on his and other plantations in Glenn and Butte Counties, California.
Koehnen says, “I’m involved with the BeesVita Plus field test because there’s preliminary indications that it is beneficial to the health of the honeybee and that it may impact the varroa mite.”
Oregon State University Research Technician (SOT)
One of the BIP field trial research technicians is Benjamin Sallmann of Oregon State University. He says, “If there was a product that eradicated mites it would change the beekeeping industry because they would need more tools to kill the mite.”
Worldwide Statistics
â— Some Countries Report Colony 60 Percent Colony Losses
â— Some American Organizations Report 40 Percent Colony Losses
â— August 2017 United States Department of Agriculture Report (Missing Statistics From Seven States) Losses as Much as 22 Percent.
â— World Honeybee Population: 83.4 Million Colonies.
â— #1 China: 10 million Colonies
â— #2 Turkey: 7.9 Million Colonies
â— #9 USA: 2.8 Million Colonies
â— Colony Population Range: 15K to 40K
â— Sources: United States Department of Agriculture, United Nations, International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations
Pesticide Impact
Throughout the world, scientific and environmental groups are calling for a ban of widely used and highly-effective nicotine-based (neonictinoid) systemic pesticides. It was initially believed these pesticides did not affect pollinators; however, there is mounting evidence to the contrary. Several agencies in Asia, Europe and the Middle East have addressed but have taken no action on nicotine-based pesticides. The European Union placed a partial ban on the pesticides in 2014. Next month, the EPA has scheduled public hearings on proposals to ban and/or limit the use of these pesticides in the U.S.
Honey Production (VO: Honey Production)
Colony loss has impacted America’s honey supply, according to David Hackenberg, past-president of the American Beekeeping Federation. He operates the Buffy Bee Company, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
Hackenberg says before colony loss epidemic his hives produced more than half-a-million pounds of honey annually. His output is now down to 250,000 pounds.
The average retail price of American honey in August 2017 was $7.26 per pound compared to $3.83 in August 2006, according to the U.S. National Honey Board.
About the Inventor
Francesca Del Vecchio, Ph.D, is an Italian biochemist and olive tree farmer. Eleven years ago, in the agricultural community where she lives, many farmers began suffering disastrous honeybee colony losses. Del Vecchio says, “I am a scientist so I tried to solve the problem in my laboratory.”
After feeding her formulation to hives on her farm, Del Vecchio’s honeybee populations stabilized.
Her product was independently tested in Italy. She later had tests conducted in other countries where researchers confirmed the efficacy of BeesVita Plus as a dietary supplement and, now, as a varroa mite control.
Field Trial & Lab Testing Institutions
â— Agency of Agriculture Technology, Sao Paolo, Brazil
â— American Academy of Entomologic Sciences, Jackson, Mississippi
â— Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
â— Italian Health Authority & Research Organization for Animal Health & Food Safety
â— National Agricultural Technology Institute, Buenos Aries, Argentina
â— United States Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland
TRT – 6:58
Shot List
1. Soundbite (English) Lee Rosen, Chairman & CEO, BeesVita Plus
“There is a global epidemic on honeybees. They are dying by the millions every single day.”
2. Soundbite (English) Lee Rosen, Chairman & CEO, BeesVita Plus
“Honeybees are responsible for one third of the world’s food. If the honeybee dies, we die.”
3. Soundbite (English) Lee Rosen, Chairman & CEO, BeesVita Plus
“BeesVita Plus is a revolutionary nutritional system for honeybees that strengthens their immune system and simultaneously controls the varroa mite, the deadly parasite that is wiping-out honeybees in the United States. We are going to save the honeybee.”
4. Soundbite (English) Lee Rosen, Chairman & CEO, BeesVita Plus
“BeesVita Plus is conducting the largest field trials on honeybees. We are doing this in five different countries, to show the efficacy of how we control the varroa mite -- the deadly parasite that is killing the honeybees throughout the world. The results have been astounding. We clearly show how we control the varroa mites, while we simultaneously feed the honeybees and strengthen their immune systems. We will save the honey bee.”
5. Soundbite (English) Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., Entomologist, University of Maryland. President, Bee Informed Partnership
“There’s absolutely a problem with keeping bees alive in this country.”
6. Soundbite (English) Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., Entomologist, University of Maryland. President, Bee Informed Partnership
“Why do Americans need to be concerned about keeping honeybees alive in the country is because one in every three bites of food we eat comes from honeybees.”
7. Soundbite (English) Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., Entomologist, University of Maryland. President, Bee Informed Partnership
“We did a trial with a product and it showed promise as a varroa mite-controlled product. In fact, it reduced mites by a measurable level and that’s very exciting. I have to admit I was surprised because I’ve tested a lot of these other promising products and not seen those results.”
8. Soundbite (English) Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., Entomologist, University of Maryland. President, Bee Informed Partnership
“The three major drivers of honeybee loss are varroa mites, nutrition and pesticides and what is sort of unique and possibly exciting about this product is that it’s a nutritional supplement and it possible helps with varroa and so that combination is a pretty exciting possibility.”
9. Soundbite (English) Benjamin Sallman, Research Technician. Bee Informed Partnership Oregon State University.
“If there was a product that eradicated mites it would change the beekeeping industry because they would need more tools to kill the mite.”
10. Soundbite (English) Jefrey Brown, Ph.D., Entomologist, Director General American Academy of Entomological Sciences
“BeesVita Plus can bolster the immune system of the honeybees that allows them to resist disease, environmental elements and possibly pesticides, which may all contribute to colony loss.”
11. Soundbite (English) Kamron Koehnen, Beekeeper. BeesVita Plus Field Tester, Glenn, Calif.
“I’m involved with the BeesVita Plus field test because there’s preliminary indication that it is beneficial to the health of the honeybee and that it may impact the varroa mite.”
12. Soundbite (English) Kamron Koehnen, Beekeeper. BeesVita Plus Field Tester, Glenn, Calif.
“I’ve donated my hives to the tests and we’re really excited about the results that we’re seeing.”
13. BeesVita Plus
14. Product Shot
15. Field Application
16. American Beekeeping Federation, 75th Annual Conference & Trade Show, Grand Sierra Hotel & Resort, Reno, Nev.
17. Beekeepers
18. Field Trials & Lab Testing
19. Varroa Mites
20. Deformed Wing Virus
21. Honeybees
22. Dead Honeybees
23. Honey Production