Ways of advancing Africa’s industrialization will be on the agenda of an event in Vienna, which will look at the cases of Ethiopia and Senegal. In addition, the event will also look at advancing industrialization in Peru.
More: http://www.unido.org/en/news-centre/events/isid-forum/fourth-isid-forum.html
At another event on the same day, “Africa: Whatever you thought, think again”, former World Bank staff members, chief economist Justin Lin and economist Celestin Monga, will speak about positive trends in Africa’s industrialization despite problems with business environments and the fact that the continent is becoming an indispensable part of the global economy as they launch their new Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economy.
0 - 1:16
UN Rotunda shots
UNIDO General Conference banner
ISID (Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development) banner, wide shot and a close up on ISID letters
outside the Plenary Hall
people talking and looking at the exhibition stands
pan of the exhibition area
screens projecting videos
pan from the Plenary hall entrance to a UNIDO visual
1:16 - 2:00
Interview with Joseph Stiglitz, economist, professor at Columbia University, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
speaking on the importance of inclusive and sustainable industrialization of Africa
2:00 - 2:34
in the plenary hall
an overview total shot from the control room
podium speakers
delegates listening and taking notes
2:35 - 3:11
posters of Africa Industrialization
Bookstand with a book presentation on the industrialization of Africa
3:12 - 3:24
in the Board Room
podium speakers talking
introducing shot of Justin Lin, professor in Beijing University and former World Bank chief economist
3:25 - 4:08
Interview with Justin Lin,
explaining why SDG9, in the mandate of UNIDO is instrumental for both Africa's industrialization and for the achievement of the other sustainable development goals, explaining the importance of bringing technology to Africa for job creation and sustainable green industrialization
4:09 - 4:36
inside the Board Room
pan showing discussion and delegates from Africa
4:37 - 4:46
back to the book stand, people looking at the book, turning pages, closeup of cover
Interview with Nadereh Chamlou, international development expert
stressing that the more Africa gains, the more the world gains if a sustainable industrialization of Africa succeeds
For more about the story,please contact :<\/u><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n
Mikhail Evstafyev ","Head, Advocacy and communication<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Tel: +43-1-26026-5021","Mobile: +43-699-1459-7329<\/p>\r\n\r\n