The story is about a solar-powered appliance that can be used to cook a variety of dishes. It can also be used for heating. Two scientists - Vahan Hamazaspyan, the author of the Armenian Heliofication Project, and his friend Grigor Mnatsakanyan, tell us about their invention, which has aroused more interest abroad than in Armenia. They have offers from Sweden and the US. They want to start producing the appliance on a wider scale.

Dateline: Yerevan, Armenia, 24.06.2017

Story Number: N/A

Source: A1+ TV, Ayb-Fe news,
“This production was supported by OPEN Media Hub with funds provided by the European Union”

Restrictions: None
Filed: 25/06/2017
1/ Story Pitch
The story is about a solar-powered appliance that can be used to cook a variety of dishes. It can also be used for heating. Two scientists - Vahan Hamazaspyan, the author of the Armenian Heliofication Project, and his friend Grigor Mnatsakanyan, tell us about their invention, which has aroused more interest abroad than in Armenia. They have offers from Sweden and the US. They want to start producing the appliance on a wider scale.

2/ Shot list:
First we enter a solar energy facility, the building where the appliance is located and where the scientists work. Then Grigor Mnatsakanyan, holding a pot of walnut jam, tells us that he will cook it using his solar appliance. He puts the pot on the appliance, it soon begins to boil and is ready to eat. Then we see the scientists’ workshop. Next comes a detailed view of the appliance. In the next shot the two scientists speak about investments in their project. Then they use the appliance to cook smoked meat, and all taste it. In order to show how quickly one can cook food using the solar appliance, they burn some paper on it, and it turns to ashes at once.

3/ Script:
On the other side of this wall, two scientists work who are not especially famous in Armenia. We arrived at the moment when the scientists were acting in a special capacity, that of cooks.

Grigor Mnatsakanyan:
“Now we will cook walnut jam using this appliance. Stalin used to eat this. With new technology, it needs to be cooked with solar energy.
Everything is cooked using a special solar appliance that they have invented.
Grigor Mnatsakanyan:
“The appliance rises automatically. It will rise to the right position so as to focus on the pot of jam.“
This experiment proves that it is indeed a powerful appliance, not a toy. Literally any dish can be made with it: meat, fish, jam, dried fruit.
Grigor Mnatsakanyan: It’s already boiling.
They set up this small modestly furnished workshop using their own money. This is how the Akhtamar Solar Cooker was invented. Looking like a satellite dish, this unusual appliance, despite its huge size, is surprisingly easy to install. Installation takes one day. The appliance weighs 160 kg. The inventors’ idea has been recognized worldwide.
Vahan Hamazaspyan.
“Recently a Swedish businessman came to see us, Jan Richnel. We designed a solar power plant. Armenia would need 500 such plants. Jan agreed to sponsor the project. Now my daughter Gayane Hamazaspyan is conducting negotiations there so we can build solar cafés on the Orange Beach in Los Angeles. It is very interesting. We also have an offer to start production in Los Angeles. We get a lot of offers like that, and we are figuring out how to coordinate them. The Armenian authorities are not interested in the project.”
The functioning of this innovative appliance is very precise.
Vahan Hamazaspyan.
“Here is some flatbread, help yourselves. Let me give you some, dear Grigory, you must try this too…. No, he is busy, he is the cameraman. It tastes great.”
Be careful: the appliance looks like a toy but it can be dangerous.
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Shot List:
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էլ տամ, Գրիգոր ջան, դու էլ փորձի․․․ չէ, ինքը զբաղված է, ինքը նկարող է(նկատի ունի
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First we enter a solar energy facility, the building where the appliance is located and where the scientists work. Then Grigor Mnatsakanyan, holding a pot of walnut jam, tells us that he will cook it using his solar appliance. He puts the pot on the appliance, it soon begins to boil and is ready to eat. Then we see the scientists’ workshop. Next comes a detailed view of the appliance. In the next shot the two scientists speak about investments in their project. Then they use the appliance to cook smoked meat, and all taste it. In order to show how quickly one can cook food using the solar appliance, they burn some paper on it, and it turns to ashes at once.

5 July 2017