Energy efficient, durable and versatile: the many advantages of modern LED technology are known. Now LG Electronics is launching a campaign with the aim of making intelligent control and internet-based professional lighting solutions available.
Energy efficient, durable and versatile: the many advantages of modern LED technology are known. Now LG Electronics is launching a campaign with the aim of making intelligent control and internet-based professional lighting solutions available.
In order to expand the market for smart lighting solutions in the commercial sector, LG Electronics seeks competent partners. The approach: 200 projects are provided at no extra charge with sensors, radio-based network components and web-based monitoring.
LG Electronics project-based offer will enhance the general approach. Intelligent lighting solutions are not only instrumental in maximising the comfort for users and reduce energy costs even further, but they offer more value-added potential. Using the Android-based system from LG, the commissioning via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet are performed. The individual connection of the system with a web-based lighting management server gives customers the additional opportunity to see "live" in the system to monitor, for example, the operability. This will in the future, especially for small businesses, be an important element in creating new maintenance concepts - tailored previously were web-based services mainly to large-scale plants. Also for the lighting industry itself this can be a starting point to develop new products or payment concepts pay-per-use that are closer oriented to customer needs.
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