Erendira Vazquez Wallenda hung 300 feet over Niagara Falls by her teeth on the anniversary of her husband Nik’s daring walk over Niagara 5 years ago.
Suspended by a tether from a helicopter over the south side of the Horseshoe Falls, Erendira held herself with only the power of her jaw.
The record-breaking stunt was preceded by a short trapeze routine. The entire stunt lasted less than 7 minutes.
Erendira is part of the “Flying Wallendas”, a famed family troupe of trapeze artists and circus performers making high-profile appearances all over the world.
Niagara Falls, 15 June 2017
1. Aerial view Wide, from chase helicopter
2. Aerial view Medium, from chase helicopter
3. View from stunt helicopter, looking down at Erindira Wallenda with Horseshoe Falls in BG
4. Ground view with spectators Wide
5. Aerial view Wide
6. Ground view, Erindira waving at crowd
7. Aerial view from chase helicopter of Erindira flying through the air
8. SOUNDBITE (English) John Percy, Destination Niagara USA President & CEO
“Well today is a commemoration of 5 years ago when Nik Wallenda walked from Niagara Falls New York to Niagara Falls Canada and really created one of the largest feats ever, accomplished over the horseshoe falls and so today was a way, how do we commemorate 5 years and it was decided that his wife Erindira would do this stunt over the horseshoe falls so that we didn’t have to replicate what was done 5 years ago. It’s hard to replicate what was pure perfection. So to have something different and unique was a great way to commemorate that 5 years but also provide another viewpoint and another staging of a stunt over the falls”