Two-time Super Bowl Champion, Eli Manning, surprises one lucky bride & groom during their Las Vegas nuptials, joining in as their ring bearer and hand delivering the New Old Spice Total Body Deodorant which provides 24/7 freshness!
"A wedding is like winning the championship, and I wanted to do my part to ensure Omar stays 24/7 fresh from pits to toes on his wedding night with new Old Spice Total Body deodorant," said Manning.
Las Vegas, Nev. Feb. 08 2024
1. Shot of old spice products with a wedding cake in the background at the famous Las Vegas White Chapel.
2. Shots of old spice products in the flower bouquets at the famous Las Vegas White Chapel.
3. Shot of the Little White Chapel LED sign
4. Shot of Omar holding hands with Laura at the alter
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Pastor Ryan [00:00:24]
So we are gathered here today for a very special occasion, and a very special occasion calls for a very special guest.
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:00:33]
Excuse me. Can I call a time out really quick before you through this? Hello? Omar and Lauren, I heard that you were getting married today, and that y'all are huge football fans. And, you know, it's Super Bowl week here in Las Vegas. And really, I think getting married is kind of like winning a championship. And I'd like to be on your team for this very special event. Can I please be your ring bearer today?”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Bride and Groom Laura and Omar [00:01:02]
“Yes, absolutely!”
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:01:04]
“Awesome! Well, you're in wonderful hands because I have two rings. To be more specific, I have two wedding rings right here and this to you. But also, and maybe more importantly, I have some Old Spice total body deodorant to make sure that your marriage gets off to a good start with 24 seven freshness pits to toes.”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:01:26]
“Well, I'm so sorry for the interception. I'm going to hand things back over, to Pastor Ryan here. And you know what? Let's go make some love touchdowns. Right? Omar? Let's do this, pal. Okay.! All right, let's go!”
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Pastor Ryan [00:01:42]
“And do you, Lauren, take Omar to be your husband from this day forward, to have and to hold, for better and for worse, for richer and poorer, in freshness and even days he forgets to wear his old spice. To love and cherish. Till death do you part.”
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Laura, the Bride [00:02:05]
“Only when you wear your Old Spice! I do.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Pastor Ryan [00:02:10]
“May your marriage stay as fresh as your wedding day. And may your love last 24/7. Omar, you may kiss your wife!”
11. The bride and groom kiss, music begins
12. The bride and groom take photos in the Love Tunnel with Eli Manning
13. Eli Manning opens the convertible door for the Bride, Laura.
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:02:42]
“I wish you guys a long and fresh marriage.”
15. Shots of the convertible with a “freshly married!” license plate
16. Shots of the old spice bouquet in the back of the bright red convertible.
17. The Bride and Groom, Laura and Omar, pull away in their convertible after their nuptials.
18. Eli Manning throws rose pedals onto Laura and Omar’s convertible as they leave the Las Vegas White Chapel, freshly married.
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:03:06]
“Yeah, well, wedding is really the Super Bowl of any relationship, and I wanted to make sure I was doing my part in helping Omar, stay 24/7, fresh on his big wedding night.”
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:03:16]
“Alright we're at the Little White Wedding Chapel here in Las Vegas, and we're here to make sure that Omar and Lauren can start their marriage odr free, thanks to Old Spice Total Body deodorant.”
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Eli Manning [00:03:16]
“Old Spice recently found out that 35% of men get broken up with because of how they smell. Thankfully, Old Spice has the answer that can now lead them to the altar.”
22. Panning shot of the Little White Chapel signage with Old Spice branding celebrating Laura and Omar
23. Laura and Omar see the Little White Chapel signage and celebrate and share a kiss