Discovering Mie Prefecture - A look into the beautiful area that’s hosting the G7 summit.
One of a series of four pieces of consumer ready video with accompanying images, this set focusing on the ama female divers of Mie Prefecture.
STORY: JAPAN TRAVEL MIE (2) “Ama Female Diver”
SOURCE: Mie Citizens Council for the Ise-Shima Summit
DATELINE: Toba, Mie Prefecture, Japan 24 March 2016
LENGTH: 02: 27
Osatsu,Toba, Mie Prefecture – 23 March 2016
1. Pan of Ama Divers in Ama Goya hut
2. Close-up of charcoal burning
3. Various of Ama praying at shrine in side Ama Goya hut
4. Various of Ama Divers walking along quay, boarding boat
5. Waves in the sea
6. Various of Ama Divers in boat putting on mask
7. Ama diver climbs from boat into sea
8. Ama diver flippers raised over sea surface as she dives
9. Various underwater shots of Ama diver swimming to sea floor
10. Various underwater point of view shots of Ama diver’s hands holding tool searching sea floor
11. Various of Ama diver swimming to surface
12. Wide shot of sea and coatline woth Ama diver floating on surface
13. Various Ama diver climbing into boat
14. Boat at sea
15, Wide shot of Ama hut viewed from sea
16. Various man walks up to Ama Hut
17. Ama diver in white costume in hut
18. Various of Ama diver serving cooking shellfish and Ise Ebi lobsters
19. Various of foreign tourists eating seafood in Ama hut
Tomoyama, Toba, Mie Prefecture – 24 March 2016
20. Sunset view at the Ago Bay at Tomoyama Observation Platform