INBAR, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, launched a ministerial statement for bamboo as a unique vehicle for South-South and Trilateral collaboration on climate change and sustainable development.
Bamboo for Climate Change Action (COP22 Side Event)
South-South and Trilateral Collaboration to Implement Nationally Determined Contributions
Marrakesh, Morocco: On Wednesday the 16th of November, 2016, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan or INBAR held a side event at COP22 highlighting the role of bamboo for climate change action. The side event was co-organized by China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and China State Forestry Administration (SFA) and partnered by the United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Kingdom of the Netherlands and Government of Canada.
The gathering of ministers and their representatives from INBAR member states of Cameroon, Canada, China, Madagascar, Myanmar and Nigeria along with the Netherlands helped draw the focus towards the role of bamboo that can be used as a strategic channel, for the development of South-South and Trilateral collaboration on climate change and sustainable development. Taking into account the vital role bamboo can play in supporting climate change action and improving livelihoods, the various ministerial statements issued at the side event brought to the forefront bamboo’s role in supporting the implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Based on FAO FRA 2010 data, bamboo is distributed over almost 30 million hectares of land across Asia and the Pacific, Australasia, Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean. With approximately 10,000 documented uses, the lack of awareness, policy support and technical know-how, the full potential of this sustainable resource remains untapped. Continually innovating, China is the global leader in the utilization of bamboo and currently the bamboo sector is worth 30 Billion USD. This side event acted as an effective platform for encouraging knowledge sharing and technology transfer, while also promoting south-south and trilateral collaborations for countries. The side event also saw discussions for funding mechanisms that could help in the development of the bamboo sector and support the NDCs.
While emphasizing the significant contribution of bamboo for climate change action, Director General of INBAR, Dr. Hans Friederich also spoke about a few executable examples of south-south and trilateral cooperation. Along with the recently signed, Dutch-Sino-East Africa Bamboo Development Project (Co-funded by the Governments of Netherlands and China), he also talked about a few other INBAR supported projects, including the Ethiopia-Ghana-China Bamboo as Sustainable Biomass Energy Project (Funded by the European Commission) and the India-Ethiopia-Madagascar-Tanzania South-South Smallholder Livelihoods Project (Funded by IFAD).
Facilitated by Dr. Li Zhiyong, Deputy Director General of INBAR the side event began with the opening remarks from Xie Zhenhua, Special Representative for Climate Change, China. This was followed by remarks from Wang Guosheng representing China State Forestry Administration and Dr. Friederich’s address on bamboo and rattan’s contribution to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Concluding the event, promoting the use of bamboo as a unique vehicle for south-south and trilateral Collaboration was highlighted. The side event drew to a close with the acclamation of the ministerial statement and remarks from Kanayo F. Nwanze, IFAD President and Jorge Chediek, Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for South-South Cooperation, and Director, UN Office for South-South Cooperation.
Considering the primary theme of the congress, “Enhancing South-South Cooperation for Green Development through Bamboo and Rattan’s contribution to the SDGs”, the side event was also an opportune moment for informing the gathering about the first ever Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress or BARC, that is to be held in Beijing from 19-21 September, 2017.
China Special Representative for Climate Change Mr. Xie Zhenhua said bamboo is a very unique plant and its outstanding carbon sequestration capacity could play active and positive role in coping with global climate change action. Bamboo resources and its abundant products made worthy contribution in poverty alleviation and livelihood improvement, and its profound bamboo culture has great significance in eco-civilization construction. Mr. Xie recalled his deep impression about INBAR's successful side event held at the China Pavilion last year during Paris COP 21, he expects that INBAR will work for a vigorous development on bamboo industry together with its member countries and international society, at the meantime, to make positive contribution in the areas of bamboo forests mitigation and adaptation action and bamboo forest carbon trade.
Ethiopia State Minister of Environment and Climate Change Mr. Kare Chawicha Debessa said that the bamboo cultivation and utilization is essential for environment protection and economic development in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has long term and productive collaboration with INBAR and now is working together with World Bank to list bamboo as an important resource into the sustainable landscape management of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is looking forward to working with INBAR and China together to push forward the construction of China-Africa Bamboo Center with INBAR.
IFAD President Kanayo F. Nwanze confirmed continued support for INBAR and mentioned the successful ongoing South-South Cooperation project between Ethiopia, Madagascar and Tanzania, which is managed by INBAR.
Director of UNSCC Jorge Chediek stressed that the results achieved by INBAR are very good examples of South-South Cooperation. He confirmed the willingness of UNOSSC to work more closely with INBAR and to use BARC2017 as a platform to showcase successful stories.
Madagascar Minister of Environment, Ecology, Sea, and Forest, H.E. Johanita Ndahimananjara noted that it has not realized the full potential of its bamboo resources due to a lack of awareness, technical capacity, and supportive policy and finance environments. However, this is starting to change thanks to INBAR's previous and ongoing projects in Madagascar, together with IFAD and the EU.
Myanmar minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation H.E. U Ohn Winn highlighted that bamboo holds significant importance for humanity on numerous levels and it is an important part of many natural and agricultural eco-systems, providing a number of crucial ecosystem services. Myanmar has identified mitigation actions and policies in the primary areas of forestry and energy. Sustainable forest management including bamboo forests are consistent with climate change adaptation and mitigation and provides a comprehensive framework that can be adapted to changing circumstances.
Canada minister representative of Environment and Climate Change, Ms. Catherine Stewart mentioned the fact that they have been supporting INBAR from the start, even before INBAR was established as an IGO in China. Canada looks forward to continuing its collaboration with INBAR and to look for ways that the relationship can be strengthened.
Netherlands minister representative Mr. Paul Van de Log informed the participants that a new triangular partnership between China, INBAR and Netherlands has just started with the aim to promote bamboo industry in East Africa. The partnership includes private sector from the Netherlands. The project will kick off with a Steering Committee meeting next month. Netherlands hopes this project could be an example for future expanded collaboration.
Director General of INBAR Dr. Hans Friederich stressed in his speech that bamboo has a broad distribution in the world, especially in the developing countries, and is one of the key strategic resources in addressing to climate change. INBAR will take active actions in promoting south-south cooperation in the areas of bamboo, improving developing countries' capacity in copying with climate change through bamboo utilization, and increasing bamboo's role in the National Independent Contributions (NDCs) of member countries. In the end of his speech, he invited all the participants to the 1st Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress that INBAR is organising in Beijing in September next year. This Congress – BARC2017 – will provide program collaboration platform for implementing global assessment for bamboo and rattan, focus on the role that bamboo and rattan can play in the 2030 development agenda, and especially how they can help countries to implement commitments they have made for the Paris Accord.
China Representative from State Forestry Administration Mr. Wang Guosheng explained China forestry strategic actions in addressing to climate change. He confirmed that State Forestry Administration will continue its collaboration with INBAR as always, improve awareness of international society towards bamboo's role in coping with climate change and promoting green development. China is willing to share and expand its experience and knowledge in bamboo industry development with other bamboo producer countries.
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
INBAR is a multilateral development organization of 42 Member States for the promotion of Bamboo and Rattan. INBAR plays a unique role in supporting its members to find and demonstrate innovative ways of using bamboo and rattan to protect environments and biodiversity, and alleviate poverty.
INBAR connects a global network of partners from the government, private, and not-for-profit sectors to define and implement a global agenda for sustainable development with bamboo and rattan.www.inbar.int
B Roll footage of the COP 22 event that includes exterior shots of the venue and location, interior views, speakers presenting to audiences as well as interviews to camera.
For more information, please contact:
Contact: Saurabh Upadhyay: supadhyay@inbar.int; Wu Junqi: jqwu@inbar.int