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Nomadic Power will offer Nomads for rental at major arterial roads across North America. 

Tesla Motors' CEO Elon Musk confirmed he is thinking about the concept of mobile batteries as range extenders - Nomadic Power will achieve series readiness in 2016. 

Palo Alto/Stuttgart

Nomadic Power will offer Nomads as range-extenders for rental at major arterial roads across North America. If you are a San Francisco-based owner of a BEV and decide to go to Los Angeles, you can ‘hook up’ a Nomad at an freeway station just outside San Francisco, drop it off at a station outside Los Angeles, and then have the freedom and “lightness” of a small car in the city.

"We are delighted, that Tesla Motors' CEO Elon Musk is thinking about a concept like ours for even more extending the range of the Tesla models. We're working on that concept with support from European Union and German government and will achieve series maturity very soon," says Nomadic Power's CEO Manfred Baumgaertner. "This confirms our approach to build a long distance mobility provider for all electric vehicles on the market."

Nomadic Power is a high-tech company from Germany, with a development center in Stuttgart and a marketing team in Palo Alto, California. Nomadic Power develops and markets mobile energy systems for decentralized storage and mobile use of electric energy. 

4 February 2016