11 October 2017



A child from Raqqa Syria is a refugee in a Bekaa camp where he receives education a world apart from the ISIS school he fled.

VO: From the hell of Rakka, one of ISIS
strongholds in Syria to the haven of refugee
camps in Lebanon.

This is the Bekaa valley that hosts children who
came into close encounter with one of the most
feared terrorist organization. The children are
concerned about the safety of their loved ones

Itw Live with relative
Where did she run to? Where you advised her
to go?

She would go hide home
And what if she goes out?
If I see them I would go tell her

VO: Mohammad arrived to Lebanon end 2017
after escaping a school secretely ran by ISIS. The
objective is turning children into future terrorists

Itw Mohamed:
He used to wear a qalabiya , there were only 2
teachers I did not like that school because it is not nice
Not nice, we used to study at the mosque
What Mohammad was unable to express was
voiced by his relative who resides with him in the
same tent. She asked to remain anonymous for
safety reasons

Itw: Mohamed’s relative
ISIS used to prepare plays for the kids so that
they like them and hate others and give them
plastic guns and toy weapons

VO: As a first step, ISIS uses plastic guns to
charm and ultimately lure its victims
A guide published by archive.org recommends to
mothers best practices and methods on how to
raise Children according to ISIS values : starting
the process at an early age is paramount using
toy guns and toy military sets: Bed time stories
glorifying Mujahidin are recommended.
Mohammad managed to escape this reality
Live teacher : his concentration is much higher

VO: Mohammad is retained for a session with a
social worker after classes with International
organisation working to secure the right of
education to Mohamed and many kids.
Itw: Ahmed Bayrum Save the children social

Most of the cases we see are mild to extremely
dangerous and require immediate intervention,
24 hours to a week, these kids have seen war
bombing violence, some have witnessed killings
in streets, depends on where in Syria they come

VO The war will eventually end …. But the
psychological scars persist knowing that no
accurate data is available.


11 October 2017